Jingyuan Zhu

Ph.D student in CS @ UMich


Ann Arbor, Michigan
Google Scholar

Hello, my name is Jingyuan Zhu. I’m a Ph.D Candidate at Computer Science Engineering at University of Michigan, advised by Prof. Harsha V. Madhyastha. My research interest is in Network Systems. Specifically, my research focuses on studying & characterization of broken links on the web, and deriving solutions for dealing with broken links with the leverage of web archives. Up to now, I’ve looked into the reason for broken references on Wikipedia, helped design a new web archive that saves storage and preserves better fidelity, and implemented a system that automatically finds new URLs for the same pages whose original URLs no longer resolve.

Before studying as a Ph.D in Michigan, I received BSE from UM in CS in a dual degree with BSE from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in ECE


Aug, 2023 Our paper “Reviving Dead Links on the Web with FABLE” got accepted at IMC’23! Excited to go to Montréal this fall!
Aug, 2023 Interned @ Google this summer. Had a great time in Seattle with the Browser Loading team (now MoQaTi)!
Jul, 2023 Our work Sprinter got accepted at NSDI’24!
Nov, 2022 Attended HotNets22. Enjoy in Austin, Texas!


  1. Sprinter: Speeding up High-Fidelity Crawling of the Modern Web
    Ayush Goel,  Jingyuan Zhu, Ravi Netravali,  and Harsha V Madhyastha
    In 21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2024). NSDI24
  2. Reviving Dead Links on the Web with FABLE
    Jingyuan Zhu, Anish Nyayachavadi, Jiangchen Zhu, Vaspol Ruamviboonsuk,  and Harsha V Madhyastha
    In Proceedings of the 23nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference. IMC23
  3. Making links on your web pages last longer than you
    Ayush Goel,  Jingyuan Zhu,  and Harsha V Madhyastha
    In Proceedings of the 21st ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. HotNets22
  4. Characterizing "permanently dead" links on Wikipedia
    Anish Nyayachavadi,  Jingyuan Zhu,  and Harsha V Madhyastha
    In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference. IMC22
  5. Jawa: Web Archival in the Era of {JavaScript}
    Ayush Goel,  Jingyuan Zhu, Ravi Netravali,  and Harsha V Madhyastha
    In 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 22). OSDI22
  6. CPU microarchitectural performance characterization of cloud video transcoding
    Yuhan Chen,  Jingyuan Zhu, Tanvir Ahmed Khan,  and Baris Kasikci
    In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC). IISWC20